Pregnancy Circle at the Woodland WOOM

pregnancy circle by Irene Vine Midwife at The Woodland

What is a pregnancy circle?

 A pregnancy circle is a safe space for women to open up about their journeys into motherhood and find support in other women. This pregnancy circle is always followed by an informal birth preparation chat led by two independent midwives. Once a month, around the new moon, we hold a gift share day with a guest facilitator.

Main information

Where to book?

You can book your drop in space following the link below.

 Booking is essential, we cannot take walk-ins at the moment.

If you would like to book a block of 4 at a discounted rate please contact me for a direct payment.

The Circle

We start the pregnancy circle with an introduction followed by a short song or meditation to ground ourselves and become more present in the space. For the first 1h we sit in a circle and we each take turns to talk about how we feel and whatever is going on in our lives. The rest of the group listens without interruptions nor giving advice. There will be a topic for the circle but you may talk about whatever comes, there is even no need to share anything deep. You do not need to share anything at all if you don´t feel like it.

Cozy circle space at the Woodland WOOM

Generally women´s groups can be quite powerful as emotions emerge through this shared vulnerability. The act of holding space for each other, of feeling safe and free to share without judgement can be a magical opportunity for self reflection, exercise compassion and feel connected to others through our authentic selves. We close the circle with another song or meditation and take a break before the second part of the event. You may wish to remain in the space for longer to journal, meditate, reflect.

The Birth Preparation Chats

After the circle we will have a break for tea and cake and follow this up with the birth preparation chats. When you book you will be asked if there is anything you will like to learn about during the session. We will select some questions that align with the topic of the month and let the participants lead the conversation. We will then sit in the cafe area and discuss the topics. By attending regularly our aim is to offer you similar amount of knowledge as you would get in a structured birth preparation course.

We will be covering a wide range of topics: physiology, the spiritual, emotional and energetic side of birth, fear in birth, childbirth as a rite of passage, place of birth, birth partners, interventions, coping with the intensity of birth, breastfeeding and responsive parenting.

On the last Saturday of every moon block we have the wonderful Cheryl Samuels leading a hypnobirthing session.

The Gift Share Day

On the new moon week we will have a special guest instead of a birth preparation chat. She will be sharing her gifts with us with an activity that will help you connect with your body, your mind, your intuition to prepare you for the birth and motherhood. This is the part you will not get in any antenatal classes. See the program below.


Discover the 2024 program

Contact me directly to book a block by bank transfer and avoid booking fees.
 For individual drop-in sessions follow the link above.
Click to flip the boxes.

June Moon Block


From the 22 of June until the 13 of July

Starting on the full moon of June we will focus on pregnancy and childbirth as a rite of passage. Karen Lawrence from the Calm Space in Billericay will be leading a pregnancy yoga session on the 07 of July.
Book £40

July Moon Block


From the 20 of July until the 10 of August

We will focus on how to cope with the intensity of labour and learn different techniques to help. Musician and carrying consultant Jess Cook will be leading a movement and voice session on the 03 of August.
Book £40

August Moon Block


From the 17 of August until 07 of Septembre

Bring your partner this month. Coach Mark Cox will run two birth partner circles alongside the pregnancy circle and we will have a guest share her massage tips for labour on the 24 of August.
Book £50 with partner

Septembre Moon Block


From 21 of Septembre until 12 of Octobre

Two sessions on breastfeeding, one on cloth nappies + elimination communication and a sling carrying session with baby wearing consultant Maria Renshaw from Beautiful Bonds on the 05 of October.
Book £40

And don’t forget  independent midwives Cheryl Samuels and Beth Woodger will be with us every month sharing their childbirth knowledge. 

Cheryl will lead a hypnobirthing session on the last day of every moon block. 

Where to find us?


Yes and no. If you attend all the sessions you would have experienced 10h of birth preparation which is the length of most birth preparation courses. However, as the program is designed over 4 months we appreciate that not everyone can commit all their Saturday mornings. Therefore, the vision is that women come for the experience of gathering and sharing with other women and, as a bonus, they get prepared for birth in a very special way. Most birth preparation courses can´t cover everything so by attending this circle alongside your chosen traditional birth preparation course you will have the best preparation.

Most birth preparation courses focus on knowledge whereas we have wanted to create a space for women to find their own answers through sharing their experiences. On top of this we believe that preparing for birth should be as physical as it is emotional and spiritual, not only knowledge based. Therefore we have designed activities and meditations to help you go in and find yourself. Because when labour gets tough, you will have to dig deep to make the right decisions for you and your baby. Of course knowledge is important, so we will talk about fear, hormones, interventions, what to expect, ect. 

 The space is designed so we can all sit on the floor at the same level in comfy mattresses with back support, however, there are also chairs for those struggling with mobility.  

 Unfortunately this is a women only space. However every 3 months we will run a month of circles for couples because partners also need birth prepatation.

 Absolutely! If you have been attending regularly and want to come back to share your story please do! It will help others with their birth preparation.

Yes you can! If you are hoping to conceive or you are using creative energy to bring a project to life and you want to surround yourself of the pregnant energy, come and join us. 

No it is not. We are not qualified therapists nor intent to be.

 Since we are a group of midwives running the circle we are more than happy to answer any general clinical questions you may have after the circle however, we cannot offer personalized advise. For this you can book a 121 session with one of us where we can review your history and help you make a decision pertaining your care.

You can stay around until 1230, chat to other women, walk on the grounds, inquire about the activities at the Woodland Woom, have another tea, talk to us midwives/guest facilitators. There is also an option to have a foot soak on site (cash only, 3 pounds for 15 minutes, 4 spaces available). On some afternoons the Woodland Woom runs other events you are welcome to book onto and attend. These involve community gatherings (to celebrate solstices, plant in the garden, creative workshops), drumming sessions, dancing around the fire and lovely vegan meals.

If you can´t attend and you notify us 24h in advance we can transfer your booking to another day. 

Yes, there is plenty of  space on site as we are in private land.

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Circle agreements

 Please read carefully before booking


This is a non-hierarchical, non-judgemental, ethical, brave and safe space. To keep it so there are some guidelines we would like you to agree to. If you do not think you can agree please contact us.




Confidentiality: Whatever is said in the circle stays in the circle. This means that we don’t go around repeating what other women have said. If something you have heard has resonated with you and you cannot help but sharing to help someone close (such as your partner) understand what you are going through, please keep any details to the minimum and never use identifiable information such as name or other characteristics that could be linked to someone in the circle. The world is quite small. Do not gossip, please.



On sharing: There is no obligation for you to share when is your turn to speak. There will be a “talking stick” passed around so everyone has an opportunity to share. In well attended circles there will also be a timer to allow for everyone to speak. We ask you to please share your name and state your intention of not sharing if that is the case.



Avoid interruptions: The beauty of the circle is that by allowing you to speak freely without being interrupted you may find the answer to whatever is troubling you, hence you can find healing. There are many places to receive advice, but this is not one of them. Please think twice before approaching someone after the circle with advice and also please feel strong to decline any unsolicited advice. Please respect each others time to speak. Practice active listening. Even little comments, cheers, encouraging sounds can distract someone that is speaking. We are almost like the paper where someone writes their thoughts; neutral. Even though you will probably be profoundly moved by what is being said.



Touch: Circles are spaces where often tears arise. It is tempting for participants to try to reassure the person in distress by touching her, holding her, comforting her with words. Some people welcome this, some don’t. If you are feeling emotional and you are open to touch please put your palms facing up on your lap/knees when you speak. If not, the consensus will be for the group to refrain from touch.



Active listening: The power of the circle does not only occur when you are sharing but also when you engage in active listening. This means to intentionally set aside any judgements and listen with your heart to what is being said. It also means we practice being present. It can be nerve racking to think it will soon be your turn to speak but by being present while you listen and letting whatever comes through when is your turn to speak, you may find that you connect to your authentic self.



Look after yourself: We try to make this space as safe as possible, however we are not trained therapists. If you revisit some deep trauma you could be at risk of re-traumatising yourself and we may not have the tools to assist you, so be mindful when you are sharing.



Secular space: There are some women circles that follow a Pagan spiritual belief, as a disclaimer I do not adhere myself to any organised belief. Here at our pregnancy circles we want to the power of sharing to be available for all. So for some it may feel that there isn’t enough talk of goddesses, sisterhood, sacredness, rituals but it is so that everyone regardless of believes feels welcomed.



If guidelines are not respected. As circle facilitators we cannot be made responsible if any of these safety guidelines are broken while we are not facilitating the circle. However, if someone is found to be repeatedly engaged in such activities described above and members of the community are hurt as a result, a peaceful resolution will be sought and if not found we will asked the person to leave or not attend any more circles.