I am so excited to present the Luxury Hamper that I give to my clients that book the comprehensive package of care for hospital or homebirth!
It has 22 different items which includes:
-12 cloth nappies,
-an elimination communication potty,
-a babywearing sling,
-5 cloth wipes,
-A bunch of nappy liners
-4 cloth reusable breast pads,
-a special nappy cream compatible with cloth nappies,
-nappy nipas to use muslins as nappies,
-waterproof nappy bag,
-2 aromatherapy oils for labour,
-an accupressure comb for pain relief in labour,
-a cord tie,
-lip balm,
-childs farm body wash,
-affirmation cards,
-a co-sleeping book,
-a birth charm,
-coconut oil for baby massage,
-natural parent magazine issue,
-a pregnancy journal and
-a congratulation card!
All nicely packed in a nappy cady as you can see on the picture above.
It is my present from me, your independent midwife, to you in the start of motherhood. All valued at around £200. These are all items I have found extremely helpful myself as a new mum and they come from trusted brands.
For those booking the traditional package or the basic package you will receive smaller goody bags valued in £100 and £50 with a selection of items from those above.
Do you want to learn more?
Cloth nappies
Let’s start with the cloth nappies. I have carefully selected three different types of nappies with three different price ranges for you to try which system works better for you. A total of 12 nappies should see you through around a day in the newborn phase.
Starting at the top you can see three affordable pocket nappies by Little and Bloomz that you can purchase on Amazon. Pocket nappies are comprised of a waterproof PUL wrap that has a pocket where you introduce the cloth microfiber inserts that absorbs all the wee. These materials are cheaper than cotton, hemp or bamboo that are used in higher quality nappies but they do dry quickly. The Little and Bloomz also come with a velcro fastening and adjustable poppers for when your baby is small.
On the second row you can see three high quality cloth nappies by Motherease. These are fitted nappies as the absorbent part fits nicely around your baby’s bump and the waterproof wrap goes on top. So these are two part nappies. They are known for being better against leakages and poonamis! These have to option of adding an extra insert inside the nappy which increases their absorbency making them a great choice for nights. The side poppers are great for baby movement and comfort. The material of the nappy is cotton and they are a modern version of the terry cotton nappies your grandmother would have used!
Finally I have decided to add 6 muslins as they keep the hamper affordable and they are fantastic unknonw alternative to modern cloth nappies. They work wonderfully for newborns as they do not require high absorbency and they dry super quick! There are different ways of turning these into nappies and you may find very satisfying folding them on your baby. The nappy nippas you can see on the pack of muslins are a modern way of securing the muslins. It is like the safety pin old fashion nappies used to have.
This little set guarantees that you will be able to try different types of nappies and they would cover you for around 6 months. After that you either love cloth nappies so much that you will like to make a bigger investment into larger nappies that will last you until potty training or you will know that cloth nappies are not for you as they require a good system of washing and drying.

Cloth nappies accessories, sling and potty
As part of your cloth nappy kit initiation you will receive washing instructions by the Nappy Lady who is a trusted cloth nappy provider. I personally found hard to navigate the world of cloth nappies in the first 3 months of motherhood so I offer support during the first 6 weeks on the Comprehensive Package because I would have loved to have someone trusted explain to me what is the best way to care for nappies!
Also, there are a few complements that I will gift you to make your cloth nappy journey easier. Since you will be washing regularly why not get rid of disposable wipes as well? Reusable wipes are so soft on baby´s skin and they clean poo so well! Plus you do not have to worry about any chemicals or nasties.
Let´s not forget a waterproof bag to safely store your used nappies while out and about and a special nappy cream that does not clog the nappies. However, it is recommended to use fleece or disposable liners on the nappies to keep them cleaner and to easily dispose of poo! I include a bunch of these as well (not on the picture). You can also enjoy a coconut cream for your baby skin that can be used as nappy cream or just in general for baby massage.
And to complete your reusable cloth set I have thrown some reusable breast pads that you will enjoy in the first weeks of breastfeeding when leakage is common. The Childs Farm body wash is not part of the reusable ethos of this section but it is a product we loved!
Lastly I cannot not include a top hat potty for Elimination Communication (in blue). It is one of the things I have enjoyed learning the most about motherhood. Who knew that you could catch your baby´s wees and poos from birth! For more information check my post on it, click here.
Equally important is the baby wearing sling. I forgot to include it in the pictures but it´s a stylish grey colour that you or your partner could wear. It is a great addition to parenting as we know babies love to feel us close to them. For more information about the benefits of baby carrying check out my post here.
There is one last thing in the picture above in a little envelope. It is a cord tie made of wool. It is a more gentle way to clamp your baby´s umbilical cord at birth as it does not catch on the nappy the way the plastic clamps do.
The ultimate birth kit
Finally, I have partnered up with the local Minful Doula to sell her beautiful birth kit. She has a gorgeous Etsy shop and she describes her kit the following way:
“Herbal holistic and handmade birthing essentials, beautifully gift boxed. Everything you need for a calm and empowered birth experience, as a Doula of many years these are the items I always carry in my kit for births and they are now available for you too!
Essential oils
Birth my baby – Clary sage, Geranium & Lavender Essential oil blend for birth and a speedy labour.
Use from 37 weeks, on the skin with a base cream/oil, a few drop into the bath, in a diffuser or a few drops on your soft cloth.
Let go & flow – Frankincense & lavender essential oil blend for transition & relaxation.
Use from 12 weeks, in diffuser or some drops onto the lava beads on your birth-line anchor or soft cloth.
Do not use directly on the skin as frankincense may irritate.
Soft cloth
Quick drying soft cloth, dampen & place on forehead or back of neck to cool down.

Birth-line anchor
This little Birth-line is made to fit in your hand as you birth your baby into the world, place the wooden ring over your little finger and hold the beads, they represent your journey from the first sign of labour (latent) right up to the moment baby is in your arms… it works as a reminder that birth is a progressive journey.
Handmade by the Mindful doula with crystals of Amethyst for surges, Lava beads for rest, Unakite for transition, Carnelian for Birth and finally a Hematite heart to represent your baby.
Adding drops of your ‘Let go & flow essential oil to the Lava bead’s will calm your mind and ease the adrenalin rush of transition.
Lip balm
Pure Lavender essential oil/Beeswax/shea butter/fractionated coconut oil, soothing with a subtle scent, lips can become dehydrated when concentrating on the breath over a long period of time, an essential for your birth kit.
Holding your comb with the teeth towards your palm and squeezing it during a contraction acts as a distraction from the surges you are experiencing the gate control theory of pain asserts that non-painful input closes the nerve “gates” to painful input, which prevents pain sensation from traveling to the central nervous system.
I am Affirmation cards.”

Lastly I will give every client that books a care package a natural parent magazine issue, a pregnancy journal with affirmation cards, some promotional codes, a book mark with the acronym B.A.I.N., a beautifully drawn card by Hannah from Womb To World Art, a discount from the Mindful Doula shop, the Toddle About Suffolk magazine where you can find lots of mum and baby classes and a little book about co-sleeping or any other topic that interests you.
And that is it!
What a wonderful kit this is and how I look forward to sharing it with you and your family!
To find out more about my care packages as an independent midwife follow the link below.