Don't give your power away in pregnancy and birth

There is something subtle (or obvious) happening when we step into the hospital to book our pregnancy or to give birth. We give our power away. Sadly the whole institution is designed to make us feel like health professionals know best, that they are the only ones that can tell us if something is wrong. And yes, in many instances when you have a health concern it is worth checking in with those that have more experience but for normal physiological birth, I disagree.
Pregnancy and birth are normal physiological events. What do you think antenatal appointments are about? They are screening tests, ways of figuring out if everything is fine before you think something is wrong. Like smear tests for cervical cancer or mammograms for breast cancer. But do you need testing before you eat, open you bowels or have sex?
The problem is that we are so disconnected from our bodies that we need someone outside of ourselves to tell us if everything is right. So we give our power away. And pregnancy can be a tricky state as there are lots of new sensations, pains and emotions that come with it. However, once labour starts, a degree of trust, certainty and knowledge about oneself is needed for labour to progress well. Fear and doubt are enemies of birth but rather than suppress those emotions we need to face them and overcome them.
This is why I decided to start running women circles from pregnant women. Because no matter how much knowledge about birth you accumulate in birth preparation classes, if you leave your fears and doubts unchecked in pregnancy they are likely to raise their heads right at the hardest point in labour. Gathering in circle with like minded women, in a supportive environment can help you realise the power you hold inside of you that will help you solve any problem you come across. And realise that you don’t need to give that power away, that you don’t need to be saved by someone else.
I have a vision to transform birth preparation from structured 1 month knowledge based classes to a weekly process that you can join in as much or as little as you need in pregnancy.
We start in one month.
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