On Sunday the 27.10.24 Beth and I attended the Toddle About Baby Show in Newmarket, Cambrige.
It was such a great day talking about all things midwifery with mum’s to be and getting nerveous laughs when telling families with toddlers that we are there if they are planning for number two!
We were approached about our services and about the things on our table. We had a wide range of items in there and people asked about the TENS machine, the Pinard, the aromatherapy book, the cloth nappies and of course I could not resist telling them about Elimination Communication!

Fifteen people benefited from our gorgeous goody bags that had exclusive discounts and sponsored items as you can see on the left.
I also showed my luxury hamper for the first time. It is my gift to clients that book a full package of care. It has 20 items and it includes: 12 cloth nappies, cloth wipes, waterproof bag, a babywearing stretchy sling, a top hat potty for EC, a cord tie, a co-sleeping book, two aromatherapy oils for labour, affirmation cards, a comb for pain relief, a childsfarm body wash, coconut oil, nappy cream and others.
We made lots of new connections with amazing professionals such as Cambridge Private Doctors, Natal Nurturing Doula or Debbie from Better Birth and Baby. We actually found out that private doctors get a lot of enquiries for independent midwives in Cambridge so we exchanged some flyers since there are not any local independent midwives in Cambridge that attend homebirths but this is an area we cover.
So if you are in Cambridge, give us a call!
Finally, if you book in November you can still benefit from the event offer as you can see below! This 5% will be added to my existing offers. Book a discovery call to learn more about how I can support you in your pregnancy, labour and postnatal period.